Married to the Minister Event coming up

I have something fun to share. On Thursday, May 20th, if you're married to a pastor you are warmly invited to "Married to the Minister" a virtual gathering to be heard, seen and encouraged. Since the release of The Minister's Wife: a ...

I’ve turned into a marshmallow

Thanks Joyful on unsplash for your pretty marshmallow picture. About a third of the way through 2020, I attended a legal (then) outdoor gathering where I realized I might have a problem on my hands moving forward. Out of all the people ...

The comfort of small habits

The other day I spread sections of the newspaper I knew I was done with (business and sports, incase that's not obvious) on a corner of our dining room table. I retrieved our little basket of shoe polish, cloths and brushes and ...

Reading while writing

Books on writing and creativity I've been loving lately. I may have told this story before, but once, when I was a kid reading in bed, my sister burst into my room to say "Your room is on fire you idiot!" Which ...

We should throw each other zoom calls

The other night I sat on my bed, trying to look like I wasn't sitting on my bed, and met online with a group of new friends. Almost everyone, as it turned out, was perched on their bed or sitting in their ...

Driving and singing and the playlist we made for us and for you

The other day, when we were driving aimlessly around Ottawa, Brent turned to me and said, "What is the song in the whole world you would most like to hear right now?" "Jackson," I replied, obviously. He quickly found it on Spotify ...

I’d like to share with you about the thing we call Reward Night

To sleep tonight, I had to write an article today. It felt a little bit like climbing a mountain to get to that beautiful valley tucked in its shadow on the other side, except with notes and highlighters and my laptop and ...

We treated the forest like it was Paris

On Saturday, we strolled through the forest like it was Paris, spinning around on the spot, taking photos with our phones and saying "Look at this!" and sighing, "It's so beautiful." I felt for the couple skiing a few metres ahead of ...

This blizzard that has gone on for too long

This picture, stuck to a wall, was a highlight of my walk. I have thought a few times about writing our kids and Brent's parents to tell them how great their father and son has turned out to be in a pandemic. ...

The night I wore an apron and almost killed my neighbour, who is quite nice.

Me and my Nelson Mandela apron. Around this time last year, give or take a week or two, I made the Sparkling Cranberry Cake with White Chocolate Icing, which was the cover cake of the Nov/Dec 2019 Canadian Living magazine. It was ...

My pie lifter

I brought a pie lifter home with me from Nova Scotia this fall. I also brought six piles of kindling wood tied together with twine, a stained glass window from a pub in Tatamagouche that my dad made, four bottles of pickled ...

These old dog days

It occurred to me today, right after Brent said, "Does Dewey have his hearing aids in?" (and we laughed) that we do not treat our dog as our baby, like some dog owners do, but instead more like an old man who ...

Karen Stiller's Newsyletter

Every now and then I write a short e-newsletter. I’d love to have you join.

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