Holiness Here:
Searching for God in the Ordinary Events of Everyday Life

The Minister's Wife:
A Memoir of Faith, Doubt, Friendship, Loneliness, Forgiveness, and More
Karen Stiller never expected to be a minister’s wife. And the life she discovered was more challenging—and more beautiful—than she could have anticipated.
We all wrestle with tough questions about life and faith, and Karen Stiller has learned that answers don’t come any easier when you’re married to the minister. What does it mean to live faithfully in our complicated world? Is there a place here for me—the real me? What does everyone expect of me, and what if I fail? In The Minister’s Wife, Karen shines a light on the rhythms and tough realities of the spiritual life for each and every one of us. She explores how community helps us grow; the unexpected beauty of doubt; the messy pain of families and funerals; how church can hurt and heal; and the beauty of showing up when sometimes it is more appealing to go to a coffee shop on a Sunday morning (even when you’re the pastor’s wife).
Watch the Launch Party here.
Read The Publisher's Weekly review here.
Read the Englewood Review of Books review here.

Craft, Cost and Call:
How to Build a Life as a Christian Writer
Inspiring and immensely readable, Craft, Cost & Call offers help to people of faith who want to write well and be published. For writers hoping to launch a career or simply yearning to grow in their craft, this guidebook provides a clear path forward filled with the hard-won wisdom of long-time and widely-published Christian writers.
(I love this book. I know I probably shouldn't say that. But it was so much fun to write and it really is our love letter to other writers. We've both been helped so much by the mentoring and examples of other writers, and that is what we try to provide to others in this book.)
Available on Amazon, and other online vendors, or visit

The Lord's Prayer
Close our eyes and most of us can recite the Lord's Prayer by heart. It is as familiar as childhood memories. In some church traditions, we say the prayer together nearly every week, as a community standing before God. We call on those so familiar words and the comfort and direction they offer. The comfort that God is holy, that his kingdom is coming, that he provides just enough, and that he can protect us from ourselves and from evil. The direction that we are to worship him, that we are part of this kingdom-coming work, that we have the discipline of forgiveness as almost a daily task, and that we are vulnerable to temptation, so being on guard is a fine idea.
The Wycliffe College faculty featured in this book take the Lord's Prayer line by line and excavate it for its forgotten meaning and its neglected treasure. Each brief essay, pondering each line of this foundational prayer, guides us more deeply into the very things the Lord's Prayer requests: a sense of God's holiness, a sense of our own truest selves--broken and redeemed--and a glimpse of his kingdom, coming.

Shifting Stats Shaking the Church
Canada is home to one of the most multi-ethnic, multicultural, multi-religious populations on the planet and we're facing some of the most significant upheavals in our nation's history. So what does this mean for Christ's church? Shifting Stats offers a fresh take and a hopeful outlook on the Canadian church. Hope is found in these 40 stories of real churches across our nation. These Christians are responding creatively to the shifting landscape. They are changing communities-becoming invaluable neighbours-and helping to build the kingdom of God. If you're active in one of Canada's many thousands of congregations-as a leader or a layperson-you'll find Shifting Stats to be an effective and helpful resource. This book will serve to inform, inspire, encourage and motivate you to respond with resilience and simple authenticity wherever God has placed you.
Written with Patricia Paddey, Shifting Stats tells the stories of 40 churches across Canada responding to changing demographics with love, compassion and innovation.

Choose Justice
I worked with Doug Blackburn of World Vision on this conversation guide to accompany some great material by Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne.

Guide for the Christian Perplexed
I loved writing a chapter for Guide for the Christian Perplexed, because I can be very perplexed at times.

Going Missional
My first book, Going Missional, was a storytelling journey across Canada, of 13 churches looking for a better way.
Karen Stiller's Newsyletter
Every now and then I write a short e-newsletter. I’d love to have you join.
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