Wrapping up South Sudan

I believe that my last story on my May trip to visit South Sudan refugee camps has been published. But I'm sure that trip will continue to feed my writing in the days ahead. I recently thumbed through my notes from the trip, captured ...

Never alone with Alice Munro

Yesterday I picked up Alice Munro's latest novel Dear Life. This summer I reread Lives of Girls and Women and remembered why I love Munro's writing so very much. She is one of the very few authors I will re-read. The other ...

Telling stories through a dog’s legs

It was a picture of the log that I really wanted, stretching away from me toward the water. Then, Dewey my dog leaped up on it and his legs filled my viewfinder, like a muppet on the run. That was the picture. ...

War Without End: South Sudan

Read this article for the United Church Observer, about refugee camps in South Sudan, based on my May 2012 visit. Click here for article. "Rim Badal, 15, stands outside the registration centre of the Doro refugee camp in the Maban district of ...

A Writer’s Worst Nightmare

Most writers would have paid strict attention this past week — and maybe woke up sweaty and trembling from nightmares — as events unfolded at The Globe and Mail. Columnist Margaret Wente was accused of plagiarism in a 2009 column and has been disciplined ...

Reviewing Reviews

Years ago, we made a batch of African Peanut Soup and served it up to our dinner guests, a young couple we were trying to fix up. We all heroically made our way through the muddy brown gunk in our bowls. We all ...

Operation Migration

Click here to read my profile of Operation Migration, a global leader in restoring migratory bird patterns, and inspiration for the 1996 movie Fly Away Home. "A large autographed poster hangs on the wall of Joe Duff's office on High Street in ...

Why Youth Leave the Church

Read this article, featuring ground-breaking new research on youth and the Canadian Church. This article first appeared in Faith Today magazine. "Hemorrhaging Faith identifies four major reasons why youth find Church worthwhile and stay in or return to it. These "drivers" to ...

A Visit to South Sudan

This article about my visit to South Sudan refugee camps appeared in Faith Today magazine and won the 2012 A.C. Forrest Memorial Award for excellence in religious journalism.  Click here to read this article. "Even at 5000 feet above it, I knew ...

Write Local

■  A woman building a ballet slipper business, who caught the attention of American Idol's Randy Jackson. ■  A senior with an astonishingly large collection of moose figurines. ■  A musician creating a ministry of music for those who are dying and ...

Goodbye Good Friend

In Mexico, where we were when we received the news of my brother-in-law Doug’s  tragic and incredibly premature passing, there are underground systems of tunnels that include deep pools of green water called cenotes. The water is cool and clear. It seems ...

Burger King and Writers

  There will be no more professional writers in the future. That was the headline for a Globe and Mail story last week, mainly about how free content, e-books and self-publishing are making it almost impossible for authors to make a living. ...

Karen Stiller's Newsyletter

Every now and then I write a short e-newsletter. I’d love to have you join.

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