Can we Help to Break the Chains: Crisis over Canada’s Prostitution Laws

This article was published in Faith Today March/April 2011. Click here to view the article. "Every time something really bad would happen to Katarina MacLeod, 38, she would get a tattoo.  One said D.T.A., which stood for Don't Trust Anyone. Another was ...

12 Million Faces: Aids Orphans

This article was featured at World Vision Canada. Click here to read the full article. "The other day I was reading about a Canadian mother of four who was killed in a car accident. She was driving to work, going about her ...

Your boomerang children

This article was featured on The United Church Observer website. Click here to read the article. "Leaving home doesn’t mean what it used to mean. And neither does the word “boomerang.” Boomerang, the name of the traditional projectile weapon used mostly by ...

When Grown Parents Move Back Home

This article was featured the United Church Observer website. Click here to read the full article. "The other day, under the guise of research for this story, I asked my daughter a question: "Holly, when I am an old woman, would you ...

When Generousity Leads to an Audit

This article was featured by Prism Magazine on Issuu. Click here to read the magazine. "God may love a cheerful giver, but cheerful giving might raise eyebrows at the IRS. Susan Brown, 55 ofCincinnati, suspected that the IRS would come knocking at ...

Ethical Investing

This article was featured by Prism Magazine on Issuu. Click here to read the magazine.

World Vision Parenting Podcast Series

This podcast was featured on the World Vision Canada website. Click here to hear the podcast.

Going Missional Across Canada

This article was featured on the Website of The Institute of Evangelism at Wycliffe College. Click here to read more.

Karen Stiller's Newsyletter

Every now and then I write a short e-newsletter. I’d love to have you join.

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