On Turning Middle-Aged
May 14, 2012
The column Turning middle-age is a chance to look inside oneself can be found at The United Church Observer. Click here to read the full article. "So, maybe I’m not going to be a rock star after all. Or sit on a ...
April Fool’s Day Gone Bad
May 14, 2012
The column God tends not to communicate with me in direct ways can be found at the United Church Observer. Click here to read the full column. "Our bed, which I had just made, was stripped bare of all linens, which were ...
The Best Years are Always Still to Come
May 14, 2012
The column The very best years are not behind us can be found at The United Church Observer. Click here to read the full column. "As it turns out, all the little old ladies were right. When my kids were really young ...
Protecting our Kids
May 14, 2012
The column Protecting our kids can be found at The United Church Observer. Click here to read the column. "I recently spent several weeks researching a story on prostitution in Canada. It left me sleepless — and almost speechless. One of the first ...
How to Protect Your Child Online
May 14, 2012
The article Connection Reflection can be found at Childview (World Vision). Click here to read the article. "It’s funny to watch the video of my son careening through the forest with his friends. Their mini-movie includes arrests, shocking escapes, and what I ...
How to Teach Your Kids About Hunger
May 14, 2012
The article Eat (barely), Pray, Love can be found at Childview (World Vision). Click here to read the full article. "I decided that one way we could learn what it’s like to live with a food shortage—without having a riot on my ...
How to do Social Media Activism
May 14, 2012
The article Social media activism can be found in Childview (World Vision). Click here to read the full article. "The first time I saw Shawna Howson on YouTube I realized I was witnessing a new frontier in social activism. Howson is an ...
How to share stories of your travels
May 14, 2012
The article So, how was your trip? can be found at The United Church Observer. How to share your life-changing travel tales without boring your listeners. Click here to read the article. "I still remember with a pang when my generally easygoing ...
How to say Goodbye to a Sponsored Child
May 14, 2012
The article Saying Goodbye can be found at Childview (World Vision). Click here to read the full article. "I have a worn yellow file folder marked “Angel-Sponsored Child” that I keep in the top drawer of my cabinet, right behind 12 years of ...
How To Survive a Family Vacation
May 14, 2012
The article Vacation survival strategies can be found at The United Church Observer. Click here to read the article. "Almost every family vacation, if we were to be honest, has a not-going-as-planned moment, when our dreamy expectations crash head-on into hard reality. ...
How to Buy Second-Hand Clothing
May 14, 2012
The article Second-hand savvy can be found at The United Church Observer. Click here to read the article. "The day I found the purple T-shirt that said “Talk Nerdy to me” with an image of thick, sturdy glasses so like my own, ...
How to Make Christmas Bearable
May 14, 2012
The article Spirit of Christmas Present as featured Childview (World Vision). Click here to read the article. "One Christmas Eve I found myself a few tears shy of a full-blown sob, stuffing stockings for my three children at 1 a.m., wishing—as I ...
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