As a Freelance Editor, I work on reports, feature articles, website copy and books for a wide variety of clients. Even the most complex and delicate of topics can be written with elegance and clarity.
As a Senior Editor of Faith Today magazine, I have the challenge and fun of working with a creative team to dream up story ideas, and then help empower writers to bring those stories to our readers in the most effective way. As a writer, I know how crucial a capable (and kind) editor is to the process of bringing a story to life. As partners, the writer and editor work to serve the story and the reader.
Some recent editing projects include:
Evangelicals Around the World: A Global Handbook for the 21st Century (to be published by Thomas Nelson in 2015)
Arctic Report for World Wildlife Fund Canada
Spiritual Friendship: the Art of Being Friends With God and a Few Others, a book by Norm Allen
Instances of Collaboration: World Vision and The Roman Catholic Church
Walking With the Poor, a World Vision International publication
Hemorrhaging Faith: Why and When Canadian Youth are Leaving the Church, a collaborative research project
I invite you to contact me to discuss your editing projects.