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The Mess on my Desk

Recently, an Indigo flyer caught my eye, and then my scissors.

It came for Mother’s Day and was an advertisement for the books Mom would love.

But what I loved was its collection of quotes about books and writers. Quotes that I cut out and taped around my writing desk, to make things just that much messier — and that much more inspiring.

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me.” That’s the C.S. Lewis quote that is now taped above Jesus’ head. (Wooden Jesus came from a little shop in Honduras and he’s standing on my desk holding a book. Not sure what that book is, but he seems to belong in that exact spot, just to the right of my “Off With Your Head!” Queen of Hearts button from Disney.)

I also snipped a Victor Hugo quote: “A mother’s arms are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them.” The sleeping soundly in my arms part of my mothering is pretty much over, but there are other ways to remain tender. I will remember that, especially when my three loud ones interrupt my writing.

“If I can write one sentence, simple and true everyday, I’ll be satisfied.” The last quote I cut is from Paula McLain, author of The Paris Wife, the New York Times bestselling novel I have yet to read.  If it has sentences like that in it, I will enjoy it.

If I only wrote one sentence a day, I’d be in big trouble, but I love the “simple and true” part of that thought.  True is a must. Simple is best.

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